A very essential list of the DO’S and DONT’S when staying in Maldives : snorkeling on the coral, rubbish, smoking on a sandbank, collecting shells, fish feeding ….
A great video brought by Kuramathi Maldives.
Kuramathi Environment Video
this 10 minutes video made by Kuramathi Maldives, two characters, a father and son, spend vacation on a tropical island.
The father, unintentionally and unknowingly, continuously harms the environment, while his son, more “eco-aware” – new generations are sometimes greener than their elders-, systematically corrects him back, by showing him the consequences of his acts on the future.
We love it !
In this 10 minutes video made by Kuramathi Maldives, two characters, a father and son, spend vacation on a tropical island. This funny animation film speaks about our main duties for environmental care and protection when visiting the Maldives Islands – or other destination on our planet…
This small video perfectly depicts what NOT to do when holidaying in Maldives.
This animation film was created by Thomas Krajcovic and Matej Petrek, two Austrian students, who were invited by Kuramathi to spend a week on the island, in order to study it in an environmental perspective, with the help of the resort marine biologists.
Before watching the video….
I take this opportunity to remind you four basic “green” rules when visiting the Maldives:
4 Basic DONT’S during your holidays in Maldives.
1 / Do not feed the fishes.
No, there is still no bakeries underwater.
I can hear you saying : “But why ? This is so fun ! “…Yes it is, but :
a – Enemy number 1 : The bread. This kind of food is absolutely not adapted to their digestive system. It is against their nature.
b – They are getting used to being fed and therefore get gradually more lazy to look themselves for food.
2 / Do not let your cosmetic bottles
Do not let your cosmetic bottles (shampoos, hair conditioners, sunscreen etc …) in the Maldives.
Each year, tons of plastic are left on the islands and waste treatment is still deplorable in the archipelago.
So, I believe it is our responsibility to not contribute to this real scourge and bring back our empty bottles with us.
3 / Do not bring shells back home
There are many, certainly, but much less than 10 years ago.
Here is a simple math for you to get the idea of what is happening :
1 million visitors per year X 1 collected shell = ??? shells less per year on beaches and in the lagoon.
4 / Do not walk on corals.
They are not strong enough to support our weight, even the most slender of us, and are very brittle. So they break and…die.
Remember, the coral grows only a few millimeters per year.
There are of course many other basic rules. But these are absolutely vital to the ecosystem of the Maldives.
Many hotels offer a more comprehensive list of the “Dont’s” during your vacation.
If you do not get it or do not read it, please remember at least these 4 ones. Let’s call them the basics.
It’s not a lot, but still, it can make such a huge difference already !
Well, this said, let’s watch this very cute video :
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Video © Kuramathi.
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14th Edition
1 comment
Good to see that the Maldives Surf Resort community is starting to go green !